CHICAGO (September 18, 2024) – The Illinois Lottery began selling tickets in July 1974 as a result of legislation sponsored by the legendary State Representative Edolo J. "Zeke" Giorgi – earning him the title of 'Father of the Lottery.'
In recognition of Giorgi’s achievement in establishing the Illinois State Lottery, the Illinois Department of the Lottery has named its building in Springfield as the E.J. "Zeke" Giorgi Lottery Building.
A building dedication ceremony was held on Wednesday, September 18 with a remembrance from State Representative Dave Vella, the grandson of Giorgi.

"In his over 30 years in the legislature, my grandfather was most proud of earning the title: 'Father of the Lottery'," said State Representative Dave Vella. "He had two goals as a legislator – helping the State of Illinois thrive and giving working people a leg up. He knew that this legislation would do both by funding education and giving citizens the chance to become millionaires. Thank you to the State of Illinois and the Department of the Lottery for this dedication from the whole family."
This year, the Illinois Lottery celebrates its 50th Anniversary – a major milestone that signifies five decades of Illinoisans playing, winning and contributing back to the state.
"Because of the historic legislation led by Representative Giorgi and signed by Governor Walker fifty years ago, the Illinois Lottery has generated over $24 billion for K-12 education in the State of Illinois. We’ve also generated close to $100 million to help support numerous specialty causes and created over 2,200 millionaires along the way," said Illinois Lottery Director Harold Mays. "We are proud to continue the legacy of Representative Giorgi through our work and the naming of our new Springfield headquarters in his honor."

The event also showcased the newly remodeled Illinois Lottery Springfield Prize Center, which is also housed in the building.
The Springfield Prize Center lobby was recently given a fresh makeover to create a fun, winning experience for Illinois Lottery players that visit the center to claim their prize.
For a listing of Illinois Lottery prize centers and information on how to claim a prize, visit: Illinois Lottery.com/winning.
About the Illinois Lottery
The Illinois Lottery, founded in 1974, has contributed over $24 billion to the State’s Common School Fund in support of K-12 public education in Illinois since 1985. The Common School Fund is the Illinois Lottery’s primary beneficiary, receiving nearly 99% of Illinois Lottery proceeds. The Illinois Lottery also supports various specialty causes as described in the Illinois Lottery Law (20 ILCS 1605/21.4). For more information about the Illinois Lottery and the causes we support, please visit IllinoisLottery.com.