Three weeks chock-full of free and vibrant events
LA MALBAIE, Québec (May 27, 2024) – Loto-Québec is thrilled to announce that the Hôtel-Casino de Charlevoix complex and La Malbaie will be hosting the Charlevoix fait son ComediHa! festival from August 15 to September 1. Three weekends full of free activities await locals and visitors alike thanks to a partnership between Loto-Québec and ComediHa!
A hilarious lineup at the Ha!ngar
The festivities centre around the Ha!ngar ComediHa!, a cabaret-style performance hall that will treat audiences, free of charge, to comedy shows from Thursday to Sunday. Mystery shows will feature well-known names every Saturday. The lineup includes ComediHa! Club cabaret shows every Thursday and Friday and gong shows every Sunday.
The lineup is available on the site.
The ComediHa! funfair village
ComediHa! will transform the Hôtel-Casino de Charlevoix complex gorgeous grounds into a funfair village. The cheerful family playground will be the perfect starting point for fun summer evenings. Visitors can stroll through whimsical hanging lanterns, get a snack at one of the food trucks and soak in the classic funfair atmosphere with a game at one of the booths.

“Loto-Québec is delighted to bring a fun and vibrant lineup to the site of the Hôtel-Casino de Charlevoix. We invite residents to explore the funfair village and enjoy its free activities. Visitors are, of course, also welcome! We want to thank the ComediHa! team for their enthusiasm in delivering a top-notch lineup to Charlevoix,” said Pierre Maltais, General Manager of the Casino de Charlevoix.
“We’re excited to launch the Charlevoix fait son ComediHa! festival thanks to Loto-Québec and in collaboration with the area’s talented actors. We’re thrilled to invite La Malbaie residents and visitors to share in this rollicking good time! As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we’re truly honoured to spread happiness and provide everyone with unforgettable moments. Get ready to laugh out loud!” added Sylvain Parent-Bédard, President and Chief Executive Officer at ComediHa!