Governmental Affairs Director
Texas Lottery

Before the Texas Lottery was formed, the Texas Comptroller appointed Nelda Trevino to serve as a member of the Texas Lottery Implementation Task Force. She played a key role in the startup of the Texas Lottery and has now worked at the Texas Lottery Commission for over 30 years.
Nelda has an uncanny ability to see the “big picture” perspective on every major issue that affects the agency. She knows what every major legislative player in Texas thinks, often before they think it. Nelda sees around the corner in a way that anticipates legislator and stakeholder concerns and makes the agency better. With that knowledge, she makes sound recommendations for action with a keen understanding of risk, all the while operating with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in her work.
Nelda also provides insightful interpretation of comments and actions of stakeholders outside and inside the agency. She works closely with executive management as well as the Texas Lottery board. Her teamwork and guidance to the volunteer commissioners, who often start out understanding little of the lottery industry, puts them and our organization in a position to succeed. She is an incredibly effective communicator, consistently conveying the agency’s position with clarity and conviction.
Nelda guides the agency through the legislative session every two years, working with her staff to understand, provide comments on and ultimately implement legislation. In between sessions, she and her staff stay busy providing updates to legislative members and staff, working on major projects like interim committee hearings and the recent Sunset review of the agency, and otherwise providing strategic guidance.
Nelda also provides effective stakeholder engagement by working with retailer groups across the state. She understands the lottery industry, which means she knows what success looks like for retailer associations, lobbyists, vendors and the agency.
Ultimately, Nelda’s experience and acumen make her an outstanding Governmental Affairs Director whose contributions have been key to the Lottery’s success throughout its entire history, and her exceptional job performance make her an excellent candidate for the Powers Award.